Register to Vote!

Voting is the greatest privilege in a republic.

It determines who represents us at a local, state, and national level. The taxes we pay on coffee, textbooks and gas are all influenced by who we vote to represent us. If you don’t like what the future looks like, you can change it simply by voting.

We encourage every US citizen over 18 to register to vote and every US citizen over 16 to pre-register to vote. By electing the officials who will accurately represent your views, you protect the freedom and liberty to voice your beliefs and concerns to our nation.

At SMGOP, we believe everyone is entitled to a fair election and that any element of fraud should be dispelled to protect our belief in our system. We will work hard to register voters who share our values to protect economic opportunity for ALL, and will serve as poll observers to ensure a fair and honest election.

Secretary of State - Register to Vote