Say NO to AB1993 & AB1797

Call Today to End This!

Two bills Democrats in Sacramento are working to push through will directly affect your right to work and make personal medical choices, and violate your privacy.

  • AB1993 would require employers and independent contractors to impose the vaccine requirement on all employees. Medical and religious exemptions are allowed but employers who don’t comply will face penalties.

  • AB1797 will establish a statewide database that will require everyone’s vaccine status to be registered with the data accessible to all public entities including schools. Here are the links to this legislation. Click here to read the entire legislation for AB1993. Click here for AB1797.

COVID cases are down and countries throughout Europe have dropped their vaccine mandates. Even Israel, who was one of the first countries to mandate COVID vaccination, boosters, and a vaccine passport system, has realized that the policy did not help lower cases and has now dropped all mandates. Senator Kennedy's report here gives you more health information.

So why the need for AB 1993 and AB 1797? Why are the authors of this legislation insisting on a database rather than following the science and other European countries? Why is Newsom still hanging on to his “emergency” powers after two years? Is it all about the State’s ability to monitor you and your health care decisions – with a vaccine that DOES NOT prevent transmission? This is another example of Democrat overreach to impose their value of using big government to monitor and control individual decisions.

Your action is needed to end this lunacy and prevent California from slipping further into ineffective bureaucracy. Once they enable mandatory vaccines and a tracking system on adults, they will push for vaccine passports. Whether you are vaccinated now or not, it is immaterial. Your medical privacy and the choice of this or future vaccines will be under the control of the state instead of you. To express your opposition, please call or email Senator Becker 650-212-3313, email here, and Assembly Member Kevin Mullen 916-319-2022, email here.

Finally, if you have not already registered to vote, please click here. Please help us support you better by donating here.

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